2nd win against Alcobendas B
Victory against Alcobendas B (In Hortaleza)
On Saturday 4th February we had a very important game to play: we were facing Alcobendas B at the Hortaleza's pitch! I was aghast: Hortaleza+Alcobendas= really difficult! Artificial turf, Alcobendas B and a grim battle for victory was what we saw. But, when the game started, we saw that there was nothng to worry about. From my point of view, they had worsened from the last time we played against them, where nearly scored a try and where we lost. But today was different. Today we would compensate all that we had lost aganst Alcobendas and more. The local 15 (Alcobendas) took up their positions on the pitch, sizing us up before we started. POW! The opposing team kicked off.
Coming in for a try! |
The kick was good, but not as good as the lightning try we scored down their left flank. They were obviously taken aback. It was on this match that I scored my first try in an official game! They weren't expecting it. This was my very best match in all the season. My dad was ecstatic! He even invited me to dinner, something pretty uncommon these days.
TRY! |
I was always on the offensive, also something rare. This felt satisfying after our disastrous first half of the season. The game went on, and we still scored one try after another. On and on until the end. 0-33. Victory.
"Something pretty uncommon?" Yeah, with such comments It WILL be more uncommon from now on... 😝