Sunday, 10 April 2016

Getafe RC

Getafe RC

Today we played Getafe rugby club. As all our trainers were away, we got trained by the 1st senior team trainer. I chose my boots with short studs because we were playing on artificial grass. The other team's captain was a girl.
the referee and the captains before the match.
We had seen our opponents as soon as we got out of the car. Their team  didn't look but I think there was a U-16 boy in their team. Anyway, as soon as the game started (I was a substitute) I caught a glimpse of the typical hard leaders of the team. Hard to tackle, hard to avoid boys that are the most problematic in a rugby match.

NÂș 54 player zooming up the right flank to a try
In the 2nd half, as soon as I had got in my position, one of them was already storming through the middle. When they did that, they looked good, but after they scored, our players would get up from the ground with a red hand mark on their necks (hand-off to the neck. That's illegal in rugby, you see). But we continued playing and continued scoring until the referee blew the end of the match. I believe the final score was something like 20-57. I liked it. Also, I liked being trained by the 1st senior team trainer. A true honour.

Our new trainer inspecting our passing practise

For safety reasons I will not write the full name of players, coaches, etc.