Saturday, 19 November 2016

Defeat against CRC Pozuelo

Defeat against CRC

On saturday 19th we arrived at the El Cantizal Rugby pitch to play against CRC Pozuelo. We nearly entered the game with less players than necessary. But the remaining players arrived on time as the B team started playing. They won! It was very hot and sunny and  the players were sweating a lot. The A team went out to train. The CRC did the same. On the pitch was the first chance we had to get a good look at them. They were the Cisneros' worst enemies from a lot. It was a hilarious sight: the CRC with their rugby gear and helmets on and the Cisneros team, with no-one with helmets on and everyone dressed in their uniform only.

Cisneros player charges into CRC defence

The game started. They came in hard, with many tries against us. Wecouldn't do anything against their fast attacks, and even though we squeezed in a try and transformation, we didn't even get close to threatening their victory. The 2nd half was much the same: many tries against. We are obviously going down to 2nd division this year. We've got 2 matches left in 1st division. Let's make the most of them both.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Triangular tournament against French Lycée and CAU FROM Valencia

French Lycée tournament

On saturday 12th November 2016 we arrived at the Lycée FranÇais school in Madrid, the stage of the worst match in my career. We were playing against Lycée FranÇais and, later on, the CAU from Valencia. We lost against everyone. French Lycée and CAU beat both the A and B team.

Spectacular tackle!

 It was sunny at first but then some clouds started to form. First, the A team played the league match against the Lycée, which they lost. Then the B team played the Lycée B, which was also lost. Then the CAU arrived, and all attempt to beat them failed. 

A ruck has finished

No team even got near to beating them! Then came the 3rd time every parent had prepared! It was delicious! Even though I played with the B team against the CAU, I think I did pretty well.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Close call against XV Hortaleza

Close call against Hortaleza

On saturday 5th November, we found out we were last in the 1st division league. So this match meant a lot to us. The weather conditions weren't better than our match against Industriales. It was raining again. The match was at 4:00pm. There we were at the exact time. We were all in  the changing rooms. The B team won their game. Now it was our turn. The game was equal and difficult. At the end of the first time we were 14-7.

During the 2nd time we made a spectacular comeback from 14-7 to 14-19, but a try near the end made it 19-19. From there, we tried to score another deciding try. But in the extra time, a foul against them and a goal, made Hortaleza win 22-19. We were sooo close. But not close enough. We were still last in the league. I played too bad to tell. I didn't even tackle properly! I got no balls to run with. My father nagged me severely for being that bad. I have heard next year's coach won't be that generous with us letting all of us play every match. Some of us will be left on the substitute bench. I will probably be one of them. Sad.